You are only fattening it for worms!
(Thomas Guthrie )
"For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs!" 1 Timothy 6:7-10
If you are wealthy, you may reside in a splendid mansion--but it is only to leave it one day for a dark and narrow house! You may pamper the body with the costliest luxuries--but you are only fattening it for worms! Nor can the flashing blaze of a thousand diamonds blind our eyes to the melancholy fact that this mirthful, beautiful, charming body shall, stripped of all its luxury, be wrapped in a shroud, nailed up in a coffin--and thrust down into a black hole to rot!
But give me the treasures of redemption . . .
my food is heavenly manna,
my wine is divine love,
my sweet pillow is the bosom of the Son,
my strong defense is the arm of Almighty God,
my home is that palace, eternal in the heavens!
~ ~ ~ ~
(D.L. Moody)
But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction —1 Timothy 6:9 (ESV).
Think of Balaam. He is generally regarded as a false prophet, but I do not find that any of his prophecies that are recorded are not true; they have been literally fulfilled. Up to a certain point his character shone magnificently, but the devil finally overcame him by the bait of covetousness. He stepped over a heavenly crown for the riches and honors that Balak promised him. He went to perdition backward. His face was set toward God, but he backed into hell. He wanted to die the death of the righteous, but he did not live the life of the righteous. It is sad to see so many who know God miss everything for riches.
"The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature." Luke 8:14
Earthly riches are called thorns, and well they may; for as thorns, they pierce both head and heart. They pierce the head with cares in getting them--and the heart with grief in parting with them.
Earthly riches have cast down many, they have slain many.
If poverty has slain her thousands; riches has slain her ten thousands.
Oh the souls that riches have pierced through and through with many sorrows!
Oh the minds that riches have blinded!
Oh the hearts that riches have hardened!
Oh the consciences that riches have benumbed!
Oh the wills that riches have perverted!
Oh the affections that riches have disordered and destroyed!
Earthly riches are very vexing and very defiling--and to multitudes prove very ruining.
*People who long to be rich*
(Letters of John Newton)
An inordinate desire and attachment to the things of this present world, is a prevailing cause of a spiritual declension. Unless this evil principle is mortified in its root, by the doctrine of the cross — it will in time prevail over the most splendid profession. That love of the world, which is inconsistent with the true love of God — manifests itself in two different ways, as men by temper and habit are differently inclined:
The first is covetousness or greediness for gain. This was the ruin of Judas, and probably the cause of the defection of Demas. By the honorable mention made of him in some of Paul's epistles, Demas seems to have had much of Paul's confidence and esteem for a season. Yet at length his covetous passion prevailed, and the last account we have of him from the apostle, is, "Demas has deserted me — because he loved this present world." 2 Timothy 4:10
Again, there are people not chargeable with the love of money for its own sake — for they rather squander it — than hoard it. Yet they are equally under the influence of a worldly spirit! They manifest their worldly hearts — by an expensive taste in the articles of dress, furniture and feasting — which are always unsuitable to a Christian profession.
It is not easy to exactly mark out the precise line of Christian conduct in these respects, which befits the different situations in which the providence of God has placed us. Nor is it necessary, to those who are poor in spirit — and upright in heart. A simple desire of pleasing God, and adorning the gospel, will solve most cases of how a believer should spend his money — which occupy little and trifling minds. The inclination of our heart — will always direct and regulate our voluntary expenses. Those who love the Lord, and whose spirits are lively in His service, will avoid both stinginess and selfish extravagance. They will rather lean to the frugal side in how they spend their money on themselves — that they may be better able to promote God's cause, and to relieve the necessities of His people.
Misers, who can be content with the mere form of religion, will hoard all they can save — in order to gratify their avarice! Others will spend all they can spare — to gratify their vanity, or their worldly appetites!
It is not easy to determine which of these evils is the greatest. Perhaps of the two, the miser is least accessible to conviction, and consequently the most difficult to be reclaimed. But a desire for extravagance and indulgence, if persisted in — will gradually lead to such compliances with the spirit and maxims of the world, as will certainly weaken, if not wholly suppress — the exercise of vital godliness. In whatever degree the "love of the world" prevails — the "health of the soul" will proportionately decline.